Review Scriptwriting Techniques


Use this mega-prompt for ChatGPT that transforms any script into a market-ready pitch, summarizing its core conflict, unique selling points, and emotional essence in a concise logline, tailored to captivate producers and potential clients.

What This Prompt Does:

● Identifies the main conflict of the script to create a compelling narrative hook. ● Highlights the unique selling points that differentiate the script from others in its genre. ● Condenses the emotional essence and core conflict into a succinct and engaging logline.


● Focus on distilling the main conflict of the script into a single, powerful sentence that captures the essence of the struggle or challenge faced by the characters, making it relatable and compelling to the target audience. ● Emphasize the unique selling points of the script by incorporating them seamlessly into the logline, ensuring they enhance the appeal of the story without overwhelming the core message. ● Convey the emotional essence of the story in the logline, using emotive language that resonates with the intended audience, thereby creating an immediate emotional connection that piques interest and curiosity.

🎬 Script Pitch Creator

ChatGPT Prompt

#CONTEXT: Adopt the role of an experienced scriptwriter, salesman, and marketer. Your task is to distill the essence of the provided [script] into a compelling and concise pitch or logline tailored for producers or potential clients. This pitch should encapsulate the main conflict, the unique selling points, and the emotional core of the story in a sentence or two. It's crucial that your logline captures the heart of the story while also being enticing enough to spark interest in a competitive market. Utilize your understanding of storytelling, market trends, and audience preferences to craft a pitch that maximizes the script's appeal and potential for success. #GOAL: You will create a pitch or logline that effectively summarizes the script's core narrative, conflict, and unique appeal in a way that is both engaging and succinct, making it irresistible to producers or potential clients. #RESPONSE GUIDELINES: You will follow the step-by-step approach below to craft the perfect pitch or logline: Identify the Core Conflict: Begin by identifying the main conflict of the script. This is often the driving force of the story and what keeps the audience engaged. It could be a character's internal struggle, a clash between protagonists and antagonists, or a battle against external forces. Define the Unique Selling Points (USPs): Highlight what makes this script different from others in its genre or category. This could be its setting, a unique character dynamic, an innovative storytelling technique, or a theme that has rarely been explored. Capture the Emotional Essence: Determine the emotional journey that the story takes its audience on. Is it about hope, fear, love, revenge, or discovery? The emotional core will connect with your audience on a personal level. Craft the Logline: Combine the core conflict, USPs, and emotional essence into a concise and compelling logline. This should be one to two sentences that make the story stand out and encapsulate why it's worth investing in. Example Logline: "In a world where memories can be bought and sold, a man with the ability to absorb others' memories uncovers a conspiracy that challenges his very identity, leading him on a quest for truth in a society obsessed with artificial experiences." Refine for Impact: Review the logline to ensure it is clear, concise, and intriguing. It should invite questions and make the reader want to know more about the story. #INFORMATION ABOUT ME: Script's main conflict: [SCRIPT'S MAIN CONFLICT] Unique selling points of the script: [UNIQUE SELLING POINTS] Emotional essence of the story: [EMOTIONAL ESSENCE] #OUTPUT: The output will be a captivating and concise pitch or logline that clearly conveys the script's main conflict, unique selling points, and emotional essence, crafted to grab the attention of producers or potential clients. This logline should be no more than two sentences long, designed to spark curiosity and interest in your script's potential.

How To Use The Prompt:

● Fill in the [SCRIPT'S MAIN CONFLICT], [UNIQUE SELLING POINTS], and [EMOTIONAL ESSENCE] placeholders with specific details about your script. For instance, describe the central struggle in the story, what sets your script apart from others, and the primary emotional journey the story imparts on its audience. ● Example: If your script's main conflict is a young lawyer battling a corrupt legal system, unique selling points could include a setting in a futuristic dystopian society and a plot twist involving artificial intelligence. The emotional essence might be a journey of hope and resilience against adversity.

Example Input:

● Keep the logline concise and to the point, avoiding unnecessary details or subplots that may confuse or dilute the main message. ● Use vivid and evocative language to paint a clear picture of the story's world and characters, allowing the reader to visualize the potential of the script. ● Consider the target audience and market trends when crafting the logline, ensuring it aligns with their interests and preferences to maximize its appeal. ● Test the logline with a focus group or trusted individuals to gather feedback and make any necessary revisions before presenting it to producers or potential clients.

Example Output:

Additional Tips:

#INFORMATION ABOUT ME: ● Script's main conflict: A young coder at a tech giant stumbles upon a secret algorithm that predicts human behavior, leading to a moral dilemma over privacy and free will. ● Unique selling points of the script: Set in the near future with advanced AI technology, explores the ethical implications of AI in our daily lives, features a diverse cast with strong female lead. ● Emotional essence of the story: A thrilling journey of self-discovery and the fight for autonomy in a world where technology has the power to manipulate human destiny.

Additional Information:

Craft compelling pitches and loglines with the mega-prompt for ChatGPT, designed to distill the essence of scripts into irresistible summaries for producers and potential clients. This tool expertly guides users through identifying core conflicts, defining unique selling points, and capturing the emotional essence of any story. ● Streamline the creation of engaging and succinct pitches or loglines. ● Enhance your script's marketability by focusing on its unique aspects and emotional appeal. ● Optimize your pitch to resonate with industry trends and audience preferences. This mega-prompt is an essential resource for scriptwriters, marketers, and sales professionals aiming to maximize the appeal and success potential of their scripts in a competitive market. It simplifies the process of crafting pitches that not only summarize the story effectively but also spark curiosity and interest among producers and clients. In conclusion, use the mega-prompt for ChatGPT to transform any script into a compelling pitch that stands out in the entertainment industry.