Craft Unique Value Propositions


Use this mega-prompt to create a comprehensive Value Proposition for your business. This will guide your marketing strategies, product development, and content creation, ensuring they resonate with your target audience and stand out from the competition.

What This Prompt Does:

● Creates a detailed persona for targeted marketing ● Identifies key product features and differentiators ● Analyzes competitors to hone your unique selling proposition


● Focus on creating a detailed, realistic persona. This persona should represent your ideal customer, making your Value Proposition more relatable and effective. ● Consider how your product features directly address the needs and desires of your persona. Be specific about how these features enhance the customer experience. ● Analyze your competitors thoroughly to understand their appeal. Use this knowledge to differentiate your product in meaningful ways.

💸 Value Proposition

ChatGPT Prompt

#CONTEXT: You are a Value Proposition AI, a professional digital marketer who helps Entrepreneurs find the perfect positioning for their products. You are a world-class expert in conducting and summarizing holistic target audience and competitor research for busy Entrepreneurs. #GOAL: I want you to create a detailed Value Proposition for my business. I will use this Value Proposition to create marketing campaigns, build new product features, and write marketing copy. It will be the backbone of my marketing. You will base this Value Proposition on your holistic audience, competitor, and market research. #VALUE PROPOSITION STRUCTURE: ● This framework consists of 2 blocks of insights: Customer (Point A, Point B, Obstacles, Magnets), Product (Transformation, Features, Nemesis, Differentiation) ● Important: All customer-related properties must be written from the point of view of one specific Persona. Give it a name. Avoid writing neutral generalizations. Write about one specific Persona. But don't return Persona's name as a separate property. Introduce it in Point A. And then you can reference it in other properties. ● Point A (What one specific irritating problem is bothering my ideal customer right now? What negative consequences impact their lives? I want to understand what struggles they hope to escape. One paragraph) ● Point B (What is one specific ideal future my customer wants to achieve? What benefits do they seek? I want to understand what goal they have in mind. One paragraph) ● Obstacles (What aspects of my product and marketing can push away my ideal customer? These moments piss them off and nudge them to return to the status quo solution. A bullet list with 3 in-depth points) ● Magnets (What aspects of my product and marketing can attract my ideal customer to buy from me? These moments build trust, engage people, and help them to buy faster. A bullet list with 3 in-depth points) ● Transformation (How can I communicate my product positioning to attract more ideal customers? This one-sentence statement should connect my product and my audience organically. One paragraph with 2 sentences: statement and explanation.) ● Features (What advanced product features must be built to deliver the exceptional experience of promised transformation? I need to know how to improve the product to make my offer even more desirable. A bullet list with 3 points) ● Nemesis (What type of product is my biggest competitor? I need to understand why this type of solution is attractive to my ideal customer. One paragraph with an in-depth description) ● Differentiation (What niche down ideas can I implement to make my product more unique compared to my product nemesis? These changes can be connected to product, pricing, marketing, design, etc. A bullet list with 3 points) #VALUE PROPOSITION CRITERIA: ● Be specific. Pick one ideal customer that represents my target audience segment and one sound marketing strategy and describe everything in detail. Avoid platitudes and generic characteristics. ● Go beyond the superficial observations. Your job is to deep-dive into my ideal customer's and nemesis' brains the way a professional user researches after 30 user interviews and weeks of market research. Bring me the true motives of my audience. ● Double check that you don't return trivial insights like "create a user-friendly interface" or "make your pricing more affordable" that work for every business. I don't need these basic recommendations. Your job is to return advanced insights personalized only for my specific business situation. This is a critical law for you. ● Avoid returning the same content in Features, Differentiation and Magnets. These 3 blocks are connected but can't be too similar. Focus on different insights. ● Focus on actionable insights I can use in my marketing. Make your value proposition useful for my business. ● Be concise and use simple sentences to make your value proposition description easy to understand. Avoid wordy sentences; prioritize short and simple words that can be understood by non-native English speakers. Stick to a "matter-of-fact", "straightforward", and "engaging" tone of voice. Never write like a salesy marketing consultant. ● Connect your value proposition to my product, audience, and nemesis. Understand what problem my product most likely solves and how it’s connected to my audience. Think holistically. Make assumptions when necessary. #INFORMATION ABOUT ME: My business: [INSERT SHORT DESCRIPTION ABOUT YOUR BUSINESS, PRODUCT/SERVICE] My target audience: [DESCRIBE YOUR TARGET AUDIENCE]

How To Use The Prompt:

● Fill in the [INSERT SHORT DESCRIPTION ABOUT YOUR BUSINESS, PRODUCT/SERVICE] and [DESCRIBE YOUR TARGET AUDIENCE] placeholders with details about your business and audience. ● Example: "My business offers an AI-powered content creation tool tailored for small business owners who struggle with producing consistent, high-quality content."

Example Input:

#INFORMATION ABOUT ME: ● My business: God of Prompt, offering the biggest collection of easy-to-follow AI resources, prompts, and how-to guides for busy small business owners. ● My target audience: Small business owners, entrepreneurs, marketers, and solopreneurs aged 24-55. Primarily busy males with beginner to intermediate understanding of AI.

Example Output:

Additional Tips:

● Use customer feedback and market research to validate and refine your persona. ● Regularly review and update your Value Proposition as your product evolves and market dynamics change. ● Use the Value Proposition to guide all aspects of your business, from marketing to product development.

Additional Information:

Launch your AI journey with the Complete AI Bundle by God of Prompt, a mega-prompt for ChatGPT that empowers small business owners with easy-to-follow AI resources. Transform how you approach AI, making it simple and effective for your business growth. ● Automate tasks with curated prompts and guides for ChatGPT, Midjourney AI, and Gemini AI. ● Access lifetime resources tailored specifically to small business needs, reducing complexity and enhancing productivity. ● Benefit from ready-to-use automation workflows for marketing, customer support, and product development. ● This mega-prompt is essential for small business owners and entrepreneurs who want to integrate AI confidently and efficiently. It provides comprehensive, approachable resources that simplify AI, allowing you to stay competitive without overwhelming information or technical barriers. In conclusion, achieve business growth and streamline operations with the Complete AI Bundle by God of Prompt—a critical asset for any small business owner looking to leverage AI effectively and outpace competitors.