Ever wonder how many businesses use AI? If you assumed only the tech giants are making use of AI, you'll be astonished. Even small mom-and-pop shops are jumping on the AI bandwagon.

A recent report revealed that over 80% of businesses have already adopted artificial intelligence technology to some degree. Can you believe that? But why is this happening?

The reason is simple: efficiency and competitive advantage. From streamlining supply chain processes to improving customer service - they’re all being turbocharged by AI.

Intrigued? Stick around because we'll be delving into everything from which sectors are leading the way in AI adoption, how professionals are implementing these cutting-edge tools in their roles, to exploring barriers companies face when trying to incorporate this powerful tech.

You might even discover opportunities for your own business along the way...


Embracing the AI Revolution in Business

As businesses grapple with an ever-changing digital landscape, artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a game-changer. More than 80% of companies have dipped their toes into this technological pool, leveraging its power to reshape operations and gain competitive advantage.

Top AI Statistics for Business:

  • As of recent studies, AI adoption in enterprises has seen a significant upsurge. A notable 50% of businesses have already integrated AI into their operations to some extent, signifying a critical mass of adoption.
  • The global AI market size is anticipated to reach $266.92 billion by 2027, according to a report by Fortune Business Insights.
  • A survey by McKinsey indicates that the global market for artificial intelligence (AI) is set to skyrocket, reaching a valuation of $1.87 trillion by 2032.
  • An overwhelming 97% of business owners are of the view that ChatGPT will be beneficial for their companies.
  • It's anticipated that by 2025, a staggering 95% of customer interactions will be facilitated by AI.
  • Among leading enterprises, 91% have an ongoing investment in AI, underscoring its significance in modern business operations.
  • A solid 90% of respondents believe that ChatGPT will cast a positive impact on their businesses in the upcoming 12 months.
  • Notably, 92% of businesses have witnessed measurable outcomes from leveraging AI for business operations.
  • There's a prevalent concern among 75% of executives that failure to implement AI might lead to their business closure within the next five years.
  • Currently, 73% of businesses are either utilizing or planning to utilize chatbots for customer communications.
  • Down under, 73% of Australian brands are convinced that AI is a pivotal force driving business success, with 64% believing that AI will enhance customer relationships.
  • In China, the adoption of AI is notably high, with 58% of companies already deploying AI — marking the highest adoption rate globally.
  • The employment landscape is set for a significant shift with AI potentially displacing between 400 million to 800 million individuals by 2030.
  • The future holds a new division of labor among humans, machines, and algorithms, with an estimated 97 million new roles emerging by 2025.

Sources: Forbes, Precedence Research, NewVantage Partners, World Economic Forum, Servion Global Solutions, IBM, McKinsey, Fortune, Deloitte

Bar graph comparing the global AI market size for the years 2022, 2027 and 2035
Here is the bar graph comparing the global AI market size for the years 2022, 2027, and a projection for 2035 based on a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 42%. Source: Bloomberg
  • 2022: The market size is $40 billion.
  • 2027: The projected market size is $266.92 billion.
  • 2035: With a 42% CAGR, the market could potentially reach approximately $1.3 trillion.

The graph clearly illustrates the explosive growth expected in the AI industry according to Bloomberg.

If the market expands at a CAGR of 42%, the scale of the industry by 2035 could be staggering. This projection underscores the enormous potential and opportunities in the AI sector.

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How Many Businesses Use AI?

The infusion of AI in business operations isn't homogenous; it varies across sectors and regions. Here's a breakdown:

  • 61% of organizations leverage AI for email optimization.
  • 56% implement AI in customer relationship management (CRM).
  • 55% utilize AI for personalized product recommendations.
  • 53% apply AI algorithms for production process optimization.
  • 52% of telecom enterprises deploy AI-powered chatbots for customer engagement.
  • 51% adopt AI for cybersecurity and fraud detection.
  • 48% harness machine learning and data analytics for data accuracy.
  • 46% integrate AI into internal communications and strategic planning.
  • Another 46% employ AI for customer relationship management (CRM).
  • 46% exploit AI for targeted advertising, and 42% for long-form content creation.
  • 47% utilize AI as digital personal assistants for task automation.
  • 40% implement AI for inventory management.
  • Another 40% leverage AI for data aggregation and analytics.
  • 38% apply AI for workplace safety and risk mitigation.
  • 38% of healthcare providers rely on AI for computer-assisted diagnostics.
  • 31% use AI for automated code generation, and 29% for SEO-friendly web copy.
  • 30% employ AI algorithms for financial accounting.
  • Another 30% apply AI for supply chain optimization.
  • 26% utilize AI for talent acquisition and recruitment.
  • 25% adopt AI to address labor shortages and skills gaps.
  • 24% implement AI for audience segmentation and market targeting

Sources: Forbes Advisor Survey, Forbes, Analytics Insight, Gartner, O’Reilly, IBM, Juniper Research, Gov.UK

Sector-wise Adoption:

  • Healthcare: AI is being utilized for predictive analytics, patient management, and drug discovery.
  • Finance: Fraud detection, risk management, and automated customer service are primary areas of AI application.
  • Retail: Inventory management, customer recommendation systems, and sales forecasting are enhanced through AI.

Regional Adoption:

  • North America leads the AI adoption race with a substantial number of companies integrating AI to bolster their operations.
  • Europe and Asia-Pacific follow suit, with various industries gradually embracing AI technologies.

The adoption rate of AI signifies a broader acceptance and acknowledgment of its potential in enhancing operational efficiency and decision-making.

How Big Is The Market Size of Artificial Intelligence?

The expanding footprint of AI in the business sector is synonymous with the swelling AI market. Here are some pivotal points regarding the market dynamics:

  • The global AI market is on an upswing, predicted to hit a staggering $266.92 billion by 2027, registering a CAGR of 33.2% from 2020 to 2027, according to Fortune Business Insights.
  • North America, being a pioneer in technological advancements, holds a significant share of this market. The presence of a robust industrial sector and key market players contributes to this dominance.
  • The competitive landscape is intensifying with key players like Google, IBM, and Microsoft investing heavily in AI research and development to carve a niche for themselves.

The Power Players in AI Adoption

A handful of technology giants are at the forefront of this transformation, utilizing big data repositories to unlock new possibilities. For instance, IBM's Watson, renowned for its deep learning capabilities and prowess in processing large datasets, is helping enterprises drive innovation across various sectors.

Data scientists, often regarded as the magicians behind these transformative technologies, play a pivotal role here. Their expertise allows them to distill complex algorithms into actionable insights that propel business growth.

Cutting-edge AI solutions aren't just reserved for industry behemoths though; small businesses too are harnessing artificial intelligence. This trend reflects how accessibly priced cloud-based services democratize advanced tech tools like machine learning and predictive analytics – making it easier than ever before for startups and SMEs to join the global AI market currently worth $136.6 billion.

Roles Embracing AI in Business

Beyond data engineers working magic behind the scenes or IT professionals deploying systems on the ground level, there’s another crucial group driving adoption: security professionals. In our increasingly interconnected world where cyber threats lurk around every corner, they use intelligent defense mechanisms to protect vital information assets from hackers' clutches, ensuring the continuity and smooth functioning of all activities within the organization.

To underscore how impactful these efforts can be, let's consider a statistic - AI stats reveal an annual growth rate in the sector projected to hit a whopping 38% over the next decade. With that in mind, it's no wonder so many companies are investing heavily in their AI capabilities - the future clearly lies in intelligent automated solutions.

AI for Marketing Strategy

  • Strategic Planning: Utilize AI like ChatGPT to formulate comprehensive 30-day marketing plans, saving time and reducing manual effort.
  • Content Creation: Automate the generation of ad copy tailored to specific target audiences, unique selling points, and calls-to-action.
  • Personalization: Use AI's dynamic content capabilities to customize marketing messages, from business descriptions to target audience demographics.
  • Compliance: Ensure all generated content, especially ad copy, adheres to platform-specific guidelines, like Facebook's Ad Guidelines, automatically.
  • Efficiency: Leverage AI to quickly adapt and update marketing strategies, leading to more agile and responsive marketing efforts.
  • Data-Driven Decisions: Integrate AI tools with existing analytics solutions to make data-backed adjustments to marketing strategies.
  • Audience Engagement: Implement psychological frameworks like FOMO in ad copy to make messages more resonant and compelling.
Note: This article refers to our comprehensive guide packed with ChatGPT prompts, tips, and use-cases designed for marketers. Read more about it here.

AI for Automation and Customer Service

By taking this leap, companies are seeing significant boosts in productivity. They're saving time and resources while enhancing their overall performance. From Virtual Assistants to Custom AI Chatbots, 90% of businesses report higher customer satisfaction and conversion rates due to business automation of customer service processes.

Key Takeaway: 

No matter the size of your business, embracing AI is a smart move to stay ahead in today's competitive market. Whether it's data scientists using complex algorithms or security pros guarding against cyber threats, everyone wants a piece of this $136.6 billion pie. The message couldn't be clearer: The future belongs to those who leverage AI.

The Role of AI in Supply Chain Management

In supply chain management, AI plays a pivotal role by streamlining processes from sourcing raw materials through delivering products or services to customers. This not only improves efficiency but also leads to cost savings—an important factor given the current global economy's volatility.

Take forecasting as an example; predictive analytics algorithms can analyze past data patterns alongside real-time information from sensors across the supply chain network. These analyses generate insights used in predicting demand trends accurately—a task previously fraught with guesswork—thereby reducing waste while improving responsiveness.

Machine learning, a subset of artificial intelligence often deployed within these systems, enhances accuracy over time as more data gets processed—the system 'learns' incrementally resulting in improved predictions.

Data-Driven Decision Making: A Competitive Advantage

A competitive advantage gleaned from leveraging artificial intelligence comes down largely to better decision-making powered by robust data analysis capabilities inherent in machine learning algorithms like neural networks used widely today—notably so among retail industry players striving towards attaining 'just-in-time' delivery efficiencies without compromising on inventory availability levels desired by their customers.

One statistic demonstrates this impact. The annual growth rate of the global AI market in supply chain management is projected to reach 45.3% from 2023-2027, reflecting businesses' recognition of these advantages and their readiness to invest heavily into adopting such technologies.

The Role of AI in Healthcare

The adoption and impact of artificial intelligence (AI) in the healthcare industry have been evolving at a rapid pace, influenced by the growing demand for personalized medicine, increasing datasets of patient health-related digital information, and the urgency spurred by the COVID-19 pandemic​1​​2​.

Global AI Market Adoption and Investments:

  • In 2021, the stages of AI adoption varied among healthcare organizations worldwide, reflecting the different levels of investment and maturity in leveraging AI technologies​3​.
  • Approximately 75% of large healthcare organizations (annual revenue over US$10 billion) invested over US$50 million in AI projects/technologies, while around 95% of mid-sized organizations (annual revenue of US$5 billion to US$10 billion) invested under US$50 million​4​.
  • A survey from December 2021 revealed that 85% of healthcare executives had an AI strategy, indicating a growing recognition of AI's potential in healthcare​5​.

Market Size:

  • The global AI in healthcare market was valued at USD 15.4 billion in 2022 and is anticipated to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 37.5% from 2023 to 2030​1​.
  • Various projections estimate the global AI in healthcare market to reach between USD 95.65 billion by 2028, USD 272.91 billion by 2030, and even USD 427.5 billion by 2032, showcasing optimistic growth expectations​6​​7​​8​.

Impact on Healthcare:

  • AI is aiding in multiple fronts in healthcare - from patient self-service, chat bots, computer-aided detection (CAD) systems for diagnosis, to image data analysis for drug discovery, thus increasing convenience and efficiency, reducing costs and errors, and enabling more patients to receive the healthcare they need​9​.
  • Generative AI presents urgent opportunities in healthcare, with an estimation that 25% of all jobs will change over the next five years due to AI's role in reorganizing the industry​10​.

Competitive Advantages:

  • AI application can support cost savings, develop new products and services, better engage with consumers, and proactively detect and manage fraud, thereby giving healthcare organizations a competitive edge​11​.
  • The competitive advantage in precision medicine through AI, enabled by the exponential growth of biomedical datasets, is transforming healthcare delivery, screening processes, and treatment and monitoring of clinical conditions​12​.
  • The fusion of healthcare's vast multi-modal datasets and AI/ML's advantages in efficiency, personalization, and effectiveness are set to drive an innovative wave across the healthcare sector​13​.

Budget Allocation and Data:

  • The healthcare industry's average estimated budget allocation to AI/ML technologies is projected to grow from 5.7% in 2022 to 10.5% in 2024, according to a Morgan Stanley Research survey, emphasizing the increasing investment in AI​14​.
  • Data is deemed as the key competitive advantage when all companies utilize AI, exemplified by Roche's acquisition of FlatIron Health for $1.9 billion due to their substantial oncology databases​15​.

AI's potential and ongoing adoption in healthcare indicate a trend of substantial investment, market growth, and a wide array of applications aimed at improving healthcare delivery, operational efficiency, and patient outcomes.

Barriers to Entry - AI for Businesses

Main issues businesses face when adopting AI:

  • 63% feel there's not enough training.
  • 60% find AI tools don't fit with all data systems.
  • 59% have no clear AI plan.
  • 57% can't understand AI results.
  • 57% lack rules for ethical AI.
  • 57% say AI providers skip clarity features.
  • 56% want clearer regulations.
  • 56% worry about using biased data.

Source: IBM

Jobs Likely Safe from Impact of Artificial Intelligence

Repetitive jobs are at risk. Jobs requiring unique skills or human touch are safer. Examples:

  • Nursing
  • Physical therapy
  • Farming
  • Teaching
  • HR management
  • Psychology
  • Social work
  • Software development
  • Legal work
  • Sports
  • Architecture
  • Repair work
  • Cleaning
  • Construction
  • Cooking
  • Heavy machinery
  • Arts
  • Community work
  • Sales

Sources: Forbes, University of Southern California, University of Pennsylvania, Goldman Sachs

How Do Businesses Find Artificial Intelligence Useful?

Many businesses find AI useful because:

  • 81% workers feel AI boosts their work.
  • 68% workers want more AI tools.
  • 64% firms say AI enhances customer ties and productivity.
  • 60% business heads see AI boosting sales.
  • 59% firms believe AI cuts costs.
  • 54% of AI-using firms report cost savings.
  • 53% business heads think AI reduces wait times.
  • 51% workers find AI helps balance work and life.
  • 48% companies say AI reduces mistakes.
  • 44% business heads think AI aids decision-making.
  • 42% firms see AI streamlining tasks.

AI's effect on work:

  • AI could lift productivity by 40% by 2035.
  • AI-using manufacturers outperform others by 12%.
  • AI-adopting brands saw sales rise by 85% post-COVID.

Overcoming Barriers to AI Adoption

As we journey into the future of technology, one stumbling block seems persistent - the lack of skills and training. Yes, you read that right. The main roadblock for AI adoption isn't a technical glitch but rather human-oriented.

The stats back this up as well; many companies have highlighted their struggles with implementing AI due to insufficient knowledge or expertise within their teams. It's like having a high-powered vehicle in your possession, yet not understanding how to use it.

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The Impact of AI on Labor Productivity

Labor productivity is one area where businesses could benefit massively from adopting artificial intelligence.

In fact, automation using AI can help eliminate repetitive tasks and let employees focus more on strategic work. But before we dive into those benefits, let's tackle this skill gap issue head-on.

To address this problem effectively, both organizations and individuals need to embrace continuous learning. Investing time in understanding emerging technologies such as machine learning can pave the way towards efficient implementation of these systems in business workflows.

A good start would be online courses offered by reputable institutions or specialized platforms like Coursera or Udacity. Here learners get access to comprehensive material covering basics through advanced concepts related to data analysis techniques used in modern-day machine learning applications.

If organizations take an active role here – providing resources for training existing staff members – they'll create a workforce ready for tomorrow’s challenges while also fostering employee loyalty because who doesn’t love personal growth opportunities?

Besides focusing solely on internal talent development though there’s another smart move available: partnering with external experts specializing in AI applications. Such partnerships can provide businesses with the necessary expertise, help speed up their AI adoption process and possibly even generate innovative solutions tailored to their specific needs.

Another important point to discuss involves government initiatives designed to nurture advanced technology skills in citizens. A standout example is Finland's "Elements of AI", an initiative that demonstrates the power and potential of public education in tech.

Key Takeaway: 

AI adoption isn't held back by tech issues, but human ones - mainly a skills gap. To overcome this, businesses need to invest in continuous learning and upskilling their teams with AI expertise. Partnering with external experts can also speed up the process and provide innovative solutions tailored to business needs.

AI and the Future of Jobs

As we make progress into an AI-driven future, it is essential to consider the implications for employment. Some fear massive job losses, while others anticipate new opportunities. Let's delve into this critical topic.

The Job Landscape in an AI-Dominated World

A report from PwC predicts that 30% of existing UK jobs could face automation by 2030, primarily those involving repetitive tasks. These roles are most susceptible to takeover as they're easily programmable and require less human intervention.

Jobs with non-routine functions are considered safer. Such positions often involve complex decision-making or creative abilities – skills that machines have yet to master fully. Therefore, rather than causing widespread unemployment, AI might instead trigger a significant shift in the nature of work itself.

The Rise of Autonomous Vehicles

One sector where AI is making substantial strides is automotive technology - specifically self-driving cars. As autonomous vehicles gain traction on our roads, there'll likely be a dramatic shift in related job profiles.

Autonomous vehicles can operate round-the-clock without breaks, offering companies potential cost savings through reduced labor expenses and increased efficiency. However, these advancements also bring challenges for drivers who may need to adapt their skills or explore alternative career paths altogether due to this technological revolution.

Facing Change Head-On: Reskilling Workers for the New Era

In light of these changes, there's a growing need for reskilling and upskilling programs. Companies can help their employees transition into new roles by offering training in AI-related fields such as data analysis or machine learning.

Several companies have already taken steps to address the need for reskilling and upskilling programs, such as Amazon committing $700 million to reskill 100,000 workers by 2025. Amazon, for instance, has committed $700 million to reskill 100,000 workers by 2025. By proactively preparing its workforce for the future job market shaped by AI technology, it ensures not only business continuity but also offers its employees security and growth opportunities amidst change.

Key Takeaway: 

AI and ensuring their employees have the necessary skills to thrive in this new landscape. Sure, autonomous vehicles might mean fewer drivers are needed, but they also pave the way for exciting roles in tech and data analysis. And it's not just about self-driving cars – businesses are rising to the challenge as well, making serious investments in training and technology that will let their teams excel.


So, you've now learned just how many businesses use AI. Over 80% of them - from tech giants to small shops - are harnessing its power. The predicted growth rate is mind-blowing.

They're leading the charge in sectors like supply chain management and customer service. Professionals across industries have started integrating AI into their roles, driving efficiency and competitive advantage.

However, the transition is not without its challenges. The adoption journey comes with barriers such as skills shortages and training gaps.

The impact on jobs? Massive! Especially for repetitive tasks while non-routine functions remain safer. Autonomous vehicles could be a game-changer too!

If your business isn't part of this revolution yet, perhaps it's time to rethink?

With patience and strategy, any hurdle can be overcome. Who knows? Your business might become the next big player in the global AI market...

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the statistics of the AI industry?

The global AI market is worth $136.6 billion, and it's projected to grow by 38% each year for the next decade.

What percentage of the world uses artificial intelligence?

About 80% of businesses globally use some form of artificial intelligence in their operations.

How many small businesses use AI?

An exact number isn't clear-cut, but an increasing number of small firms are leveraging AI to improve efficiency and customer service.

Is 83% of companies claim that AI is a top priority in their business plans?

Around this figure have indeed expressed making Artificial Intelligence a key component in their future growth strategies.

What Is the Current State of AI for Business?

The current state of AI for Business is robust, with over 80% of companies already incorporating some form of AI into their operations. It's a burgeoning field expected to grow exponentially in the coming years.

How Does AI Impact Jobs?

AI has a profound impact on the job market, potentially displacing between 400 million to 800 million individuals by 2030. However, AI is also expected to create an estimated 97 million new roles by 2025.

What is the Impact of AI on How Companies Operate?

The impact of AI on how businesses operate is transformative. AI systems are being used to streamline supply chain management, improve marketing strategies, and enhance customer service among other functions.

How Many Companies are Investing in AI?

A significant 91% of leading enterprises have ongoing investments in AI, signifying its importance in modern business operations.

What is the Current Market Size of AI Companies?

The current global AI market size is anticipated to reach $266.92 billion by 2027, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 33.2% from 2020 to 2027.

How Can AI Improve Marketing?

AI can greatly improve marketing efforts through personalization, automation, and data-driven decisions. Tools like ChatGPT can be used to automate ad copy and even formulate comprehensive 30-day marketing plans.

How Do Businesses Operate with AI Systems?

Businesses are leveraging AI systems to automate various tasks, from email marketing to inventory management and customer service. These systems are making operations more efficient and cost-effective.

What Does the AI Adoption Statistics Say?

AI adoption statistics indicate that a significant 50% of businesses have integrated AI into their operations to some extent. This signifies a critical mass of adoption and underlines the importance of AI in businesses today.

What Are the Artificial Intelligence Statistics Related to Market Size?

The artificial intelligence statistics reveal that the global AI market is set to skyrocket, reaching a valuation of $1.87 trillion by 2032.

What Roles Do Technology Companies Play in AI Adoption?

Technology companies like Google, IBM, and Microsoft are the power players in AI adoption, investing heavily in research and development to drive innovation in the field.

What Are Machine Learning Engineers Doing in AI?

Machine learning engineers are pivotal in AI for Business. They design and implement algorithms that allow AI systems to learn from data, thereby making them more efficient and effective over time.

How Does Data Analysis Fit Into AI?

Data analysis is at the heart of AI technology. It enables businesses to make informed decisions, optimize operations, and ultimately reduce costs.

How Does AI Impact Supply Chain Management?

In supply chain management, AI is being used to streamline processes, improve efficiency, and reduce costs. Machine learning algorithms can make accurate demand predictions, facilitating 'just-in-time' delivery efficiencies.

How Can AI Systems Help Reduce Costs?

AI systems can automate various tasks that would otherwise require human intervention, thereby reducing labor costs. Additionally, they can make operations more efficient, leading to further cost savings.

Key Takeaway:
Upgrade Your Business With ChatGPT
{ "@context": "http://schema.org", "@type": "FAQPage", "mainEntity": [ { "@type": "Question", "name": "How many businesses are currently using AI?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Recent reports indicate that over 80% of businesses have adopted AI technology to some degree, signaling a significant embrace of AI across various sectors." } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "Why are businesses rapidly adopting AI technologies?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Businesses are adopting AI mainly for its efficiency and the competitive advantage it offers. AI is being used to streamline supply chain processes, improve customer service, and enhance overall operational efficiency." } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "Which sectors are leading in AI adoption?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Sectors like healthcare, finance, and retail are leading in AI adoption. In healthcare, AI aids in predictive analytics and patient management, while in finance, it's used for fraud detection and risk management. Retail benefits from AI in inventory management and customer recommendation systems." } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "What is the projected market size for AI?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "The global AI market size is anticipated to reach $266.92 billion by 2027, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 33.2% from 2020 to 2027. Additionally, it's projected to grow to about $1.3 trillion by 2035 at a CAGR of 42%." } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "What impact does AI have on customer interactions?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "It is estimated that by 2025, around 95% of customer interactions will be facilitated by AI, significantly transforming how businesses interact with their customers." } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "What are the challenges businesses face in implementing AI?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Businesses face challenges like lack of training, AI tools not fitting with existing data systems, no clear AI plan, difficulties in understanding AI results, and ethical concerns in AI implementation." } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "How is AI impacting the job market?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "AI is expected to displace between 400 million to 800 million jobs by 2030, mainly those involving repetitive tasks. However, it's also anticipated to create about 97 million new roles by 2025, particularly in areas requiring AI and machine learning skills." } } ] }
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